Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Appreciating the little things.

In the fourth grade, I went to a picnic with one of my friends. We played with air-soft guns and after had a wonderful time drinking cool beverages in the sun. I stopped and thought to myself how much better it was to just relax in the sun, than it was to be at home just watching television. I enjoyed just watching some of the adults conversing with each other and laughing. I appreciated how well the park was kept up and how beautiful the flowers were that day. I appreciated how beautiful life was at that very moment, and was at peace as a human being; Then the day got even better. It turned out there was two boxes of pizza that weren't eaten. I ask a near by adult what was wrong with them, and they say that the pizza had gotten cold and not many people were interested. At this point in my life I was disgusted by pizza and really didn't have a taste for it. I didn't like going to birthday parties because that's all that they would have to eat, and they would usually have to order me something special. That day, I decided to take a chance. A lot of the other food had been eaten at the picnic and I was starving. I never had cold pizza before so I pulled off a piece of the pie and took a bite. To this day, I can say that that was the best darn bite of cold pizza to date. Today, any time is a good time for pizza. :)

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