Monday, March 23, 2015

Ceremony Part 7 Analysis (Final Analysis)

In the final part of the book Ceremony, Leslie Marmon Silko describes Ts'eh and Tayo formally being introduced and what the rest of Tayo's war buddies think of him lately. Tayo once again felt Ts'eh's presence as he slept towards the beginning of the final section. Silko explains, "The sunlight moved up and down his back like hands, and he felt the muscles of his neck and belly relax; he lay down beside the pool, across from her and closed his eyes. He dreamed he made love with her there. He felt the warm sand on his toes and knees; he felt her body, and it was as warm as the sand, and he couldn't feel where her body ended and the sand began" (Silko 206). He feels at peace with himself and nature and Ts'eh is helping him heal. Later in this section Silko unveils what Tayo's friends think about him spending so much time in the wilderness alone. Silko conveys, "They want you to come home. They are worried about you. They think you might need the doctors again.' 'Oh.' His stomach fell into a crevice. His hands felt cold. 'Old man Ku'oosh and some of the others are wondering too why you haven't come. They thought maybe there might be something you should tell them' The words caught in his throat, and he coughed. 'And Emo has been saying things about you. He's been talking about how you went crazy and are alone out here. He talks bullshit about caves and animals"' (Silko 212).


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